Cant report violations

Forums Reports Cant report violations

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      1. We both know u`re lying. E.g.: can we see any of my last “wrong” reports? Oh, right – thats my problem.
      2. And how many reports about master were send that round? And by how many ppl? And whats the time between first one and kick? And why at least 3 admins had time to abuse mute function and insult 2 good players, but not to punish master? Its like justifying war crimes by saying “well, at the end we did sign capitulation, right? what else do u want from us?”. Doesnt work this way.
      3. Sure, sure… Several ppl repoting did force administration to punish master, and next round I lost ability to report. Coincidence.
      4. U only need prokon and 5 minutes to invistigate. But yes, thats my probllem. Why would u spent your precious time for anything but your pleasure, right?

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        5. Let me help u
        Not the only time he did it.
        And again, for at least several month Robert was killing with smoke w/o punishment and bragging about that in main chat, insulting and making racist jokes, and its OK now bcz he got banned 2 days ago?.. Whats the point of having admins on server, if they do nothing as long as violations dont abstract their own game. Or is it a privilege to be an admin? I always thought its a job.

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          6. Ofc no. U should protect them, and punish those who report them glitching. Rules were not made for u or your friends. And silly me should grow up (or under?) in a good obedient slave.

          Here is your special thank for not punishing me for false reports against me. Takes a real hero to not ban me for what I never did but fight for 9 years now.

          Another lie. U do have personal whitelist, its just not documented anywhere but your mind. Was evil alvvk punished after all? If not – here is your personal whitelist.

          PS. How they say: the absence of punishment creates permissiveness. Grafic illustration of that we can see today on JAH.

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            Your attitude is simply appalling and frankly we are tired of the constant dramas you cause.
            Every time you join the server you are centre of a different issue. Worry less about others and focus on your own behaviour.
            You were muted last night because you just bitching about how weak and corrupt we admins are. You write messages to simply bait others into starting arguments, you’re just upset that none of us took the bait last night.

            As for the M320 kills against you last night. You were posting passive agressive messages about it, instead of just writing. “Hi **** is using M320, can someone take a look”. I would have been happy to assist. The way you wrote about it made me not want to give you my time of day.

            Just play and enjoy the game and don’t worry about things that do not concern you.
            I also wish you a happy new year.


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              Every time I join server I have to deal with bunch of idiots having fun in braking rules. They have nothing better to do than ruin game for all the normal ppl. They are there bcz u`re weak and corrupted. Its not bitching, its a fact. And I tried to be soft for years, but enough is enough.

              Again, u are lying about bait. Trying to defame me so u wouldnt have to face the truth. But in reality I couldnt care less of how some 20yo kid will take my reports, all I want is rules to be acting. Anyway, normal admin would stop violations first and immediately, despite of any issue with report itself. But u`re deliberately focusing of any poor excuse just to protect yourself. Im bithicng, Im passive-agressive, Im causing drama. Like even if any of it was true it gives u the right to crap on rules. Fix your lies, they dont make any sense.

              • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by Vodya_Original.
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                U are getting absurd so quickly Im afraid soon u will be lying about me killing myself with enemys m320 just to blame u. U already forbided reporting to me and at the same time saying u`ll be glad to assist. Fix your lies.

                I dont want to play game in environment u made. Its not sporty, its not friendly. Its a farm for trolls.

                U know what? Since I see now there is nothing good left in u – I will make myself a present for a NY. Maybe u not murdering anyone, but u deserved it by doing even worse thing – u and your evil friends are targeting kids. So I wish u a life sentence in jail for a false reason, so u would have enough time to understand why justice and fairness are important thing on any level of our lifes, and should concerne everybody.

                • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by Vodya_Original.
                • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by Vodya_Original.
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