Banappeal & Cannot join Your Discord

Forums Reports Banappeal & Cannot join Your Discord


  • This topic has 5 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 2 weeks, 1 day ago by exercitoBR.
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  • #11893
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      Username: SilverrShot
      [JAH] Warriors #02 – Metro Only – No Explosives – 64 Slots
      Date ban: 27/04/2024
      Ban reason: Stated reason: Constant rule breaking! Already [perm][Alekann][Appeal]
      Reported by:

      i was playing on Metro Only – No Explosives, There were people on A Flag and i used RPG to destory 3rd floor to see if enemy were up there. I did not Kill anyone with RPG
      but this EZ-KilledYa reported me. Round that round i did kill 1 guy who was about to throw a nade and he died from it. Please can you unban me


      Also I cannot join your Discord ‘Unable to Accept Invite’

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        Hi SilverrShot

        You have been banned multiple times on our servers previously for not following the rules. You were given another chance after 14 warnings for bad language in 2020. You were then banned for using racist language, once again we gave you another chance.

        Yesterday I looked at your account and 3 times you have been using explosives (m320 and RPG) on our no explosives server.

        There are many many places on the internet you can visit to deliberately go about and piss people off. You are no longer able to do it on our servers.

        Ban appeal: Denied

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          Alekann, I only used RPG to destroy the Building as i thought ppl were up, i did not do it with the intention of killing them there. you can go through all of the log of that

          Where i stayed at B and even used !b to let players know not to cross the line., I apricate that you left be back into server and been having some fun match’s and helping to populate the server. I’m sorry

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            “Alekann, I only used RPG to destroy the Building as i thought ppl were up”

            The server is called NO EXPLOSIVES.

            As mentioned in my previously reply, there is 3 accounts (evidence) showing this isn’t true, as you used explosives to kill players. When the report came through I investigated live in game. You were using explosives.

            Also as I have mentioned, you have near 20+ warnings to change your behaviour and follow the rules on our servers. You still don’t.


            I am not giving another chance. The ban will stay.

            • This reply was modified 2 months, 4 weeks ago by Alekann.
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              I think its abit unfair you mentioning warning from 3 years ago & not the current issue. like i said it was not my intention to kill with explosives and i did not kill anyone with the RPG on A flag. but anyway.  Thank for the reply. Bye

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                i need to ban appeal ExercitoBR


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