Please Uban me, it was not me

Forums Guest Forum Please Uban me, it was not me

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  • #7937
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      Hello, could you please unban me? I had already tried to explain it to Meow_Jong-un, it was my son who didn’t behave very nicely. I would like to play on your servers again. Best regards and stay healthy.


      • This topic was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by Crawfy4D.
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        you have already written with the correct admin, only he can delete your ban. We can’t help you.

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          hallo liebe admins..bitte euch um den bann der über 2 jahre zurückliegt zu entbannen..bitte,ich hab wieder bf3 installiert und möchte auf eure server zocken…tut mir leid,ich breche nie wieder die regeln…bitte entbannt mich…ich verhalte mich ruhig…danke..lg  flecky und sky

          Spielername:   Flecky_und_Sky

          <span class="Y2IQFc" lang="en">hello dear admins..please you to break the ban that
           was more than 2 years ago .. please, i have installed
           bf3 again and want to play on your server ... I'm sorry, 
          i will never break the rules again ... please unbanned me...
          Player name: Flecky_und_Sky</span>


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