Metro – All Weapons -BF3

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      ich wollte nur darauf aufmerksam machen, dass der Autobalancer momentan sehr sensibel eingestellt ist. Meines Erachtens zu sensibel, da z.B. Spieler wie ich mittlerweile wieder jede Runde geswitcht werden. Persönlich ist das natürlich (v.a. auch kurz vor Ende) besonders ärgerlich dann ins andere Team zu kommen, wenn man sich die ganze Zeit für das andere Team aufgerieben hat. Dem Server hilft meines Erachtens das viele Hin-und Hergeswitche auch nicht. Merkwürdiger Weise wurde ich seit letzter Woche auch 3 mal in das Team gewechselt, welches ohnehin schon am gewinnen war.

      Des Weiteren möchte ich noch zwei weitere Anregungen aussprechen, um den Server wieder populärer zu machen:
      -runter setzten der Tickets auf 1000
      -Einführen des Commands !votenext/!surrender
      Meines Erachtens könnte man durch die kürzeren Runden mehr Spieler ansprechen und zudem dem Schwund am Rundenende einer langen Runde vorbeugen. Die Commands haben sich auf anderen Servern bewehrt und auch ich habe damit gute Erfahrungen gemacht, dies hilft v.a. dem Spielerschwund bei Baserape vorzubeugen…

      Hoffe meine Vorschläge werden erwogen!

      • This topic was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by 4uintus. Reason: Grammar
      • This topic was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by 4uintus.
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        Hi 4uintus.

        1) Being whitelisted from the auto-balance system is a VIP feature.
        For more information regarding VIP, please look here:

        2) We will not adjust the number of tickets. There are plenty of servers with low ticket counts.

        3) The standard vote system was removed with the termination of RCONNET. We could use a 3rd party plugin, however, using 3rd party plugins can reduce the server performance.

        Kind regards

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          Hey Alekann,
          thanks for your fast reply.
          1) Sure VIP slots are a great option for a few players. My goal though was not to get myself or someone else whitelisted, but to draw attention to the (in my opinion) malfunction of the autobalancer.
          2) Like I said its a suggestion, so its up to you. With the post and replies I dont ask you to shape the server to my liking, but I wanted to share my thoughts to keep the server popular. From long experience on Metro servers: shorter amount of tickets help to keep the server populated. I have seen the Metro-All Weapons server depopulated midday on multiple occassions in the last couple weeks. Everybody here should know by now that I will play that server if it has 800 tickets or 3000…but to my knowledge a lot of other players dont.
          3) Ok, thanks for that info!

          Best Regards

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            Hi 4uintus.

            There are no perfect settings for the balancer. We make it to strong, people complain, too weak, people complain. We have reviewed these settings many times and we will not amend them anymore.

            As for the malfunction of the auto-balancer. Like all services on the internet, the server can pick up latency (causing poor performance). Our plugins are designed to restrict themselves during these periods to reduce the effect on players. Once the server has stabilised this can cause a surge in auto-balance reactions. It is not perfect, but it is how it is designed.

            I understand your points, but we will not be amending the balancer. If people are still unhappy, then they are welcome to a VIP slot for the price of a cup of coffee.

            The all weapons server is like a bus service. It is never populated when you expect it and boom, 50 players out of nowhere. Its a roulette of the BF3 population. This happens because our regulars play on other friendly community servers like WBKS and TNT to change things up.

            Take a look at the screenshot provided. Out of all the available metro servers, ours remain consistently populated.

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              ok, I understand the balancing issue. As long as you know about it and r fine about, its ok to me.

              As a regular and mostlikely in the top 3 of the playtime on the server, I dont think its a roulette. Most ppl join if there r more than 40-50 ppl on the server. Even most regulars dont want to play with less than 30 players, if there r other options. The all weapon server is still one of the few of its kind to get full these days, thats true, but in my eyes there is the option for it to be more regular again. Out of the 42 players you showed there, about 15 accounts are JAH accounts which sit and dont play, every regular player knows that…so its actually only about 25 players which leads again to the issue mentioned above. (Great job on these accounts though, these plus the regulars are the core reason why the server still gets started!!!) These are still ok numbers in my opinion so early in the day for bf3, the problem is often after long rounds/ baserape the number of ppl on the server drop down to that range again which kills of the server even during the peek of bf3 players.

              My screenshot shows the servers after most of the JAH accounts left: (2 still on at that time)

              Like I said its just suggestions…That you took the time and considered the ideas was the main purpose.

              • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by 4uintus.
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                Das meine ich halt: server fast leer gegen 20 Uhr…

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