Reply To: Cant report violations

Forums Reports Cant report violations Reply To: Cant report violations

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    U are getting absurd so quickly Im afraid soon u will be lying about me killing myself with enemys m320 just to blame u. U already forbided reporting to me and at the same time saying u`ll be glad to assist. Fix your lies.

    I dont want to play game in environment u made. Its not sporty, its not friendly. Its a farm for trolls.

    U know what? Since I see now there is nothing good left in u – I will make myself a present for a NY. Maybe u not murdering anyone, but u deserved it by doing even worse thing – u and your evil friends are targeting kids. So I wish u a life sentence in jail for a false reason, so u would have enough time to understand why justice and fairness are important thing on any level of our lifes, and should concerne everybody.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by Vodya_Original.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by Vodya_Original.