Reply To: BF3 unban

Forums Guest Forum BF3 unban Reply To: BF3 unban

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    Hi Valkyrie_C

    You’re account Valkyrie_C isn’t actually banned. You are refused entry to our servers because your PB GUID and IP is directly linked with:

    Looking over your account it looks like you are using a free VPN or something similar. Free VPN’s have limited servers and re-use IP’s. This means accounts can quickly become attached to infected accounts such as the lanceforwe the account mentioned above.

    There is no way for us to tell if this account belongs to you or not. Because of this, we will not interfere with the plugin ban. You will have to remove the links yourself. Hopefully by getting a new IP, cleared cached data, the links could automatically be removed (only if this account doesn’t belong to you). This does depend on how many times you have crossed over with this account.

    It is the player’s responsibility to look after their accounts and it should be well known by now that freeware VPN’s are a bad idea for gaming.

    Good luck.