Reply To: Unban Request -BF3

Forums Guest Forum Unban Request -BF3 Reply To: Unban Request -BF3

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    Admins PLESE,check me and unbann me  from JAH bf3 servers. I am old old in years and  also old BF3 playes.I no need to use eny cheat ,hack program…etc.Some  new  players put reports on my acc but, this not mean i am hacking cheating.Battlefield 3 is  so so beutiful and goood  game.Please  tell me  what  can i do  to prooove  to you i am clear player? Just wonna enjoy the  game.Sorry  for my engllish in not my  1-st lанguаge.I got ban on my accaunt : BGrules Tnx for understanding.