Your Ingamename (Battlelogname): M16A3NoRecoilHax
Which server: BF3 [JAH] Warriors #01 Metro Only – All Weapons – 64 Slots
When did you get banned: Don’t know exactly, probably even a year ago
Which Battlelogmessage do you get when you try to join one of our servers? “Game disconnected: you were kicked by an admin. Stated reason: No Cheating! [perm][BF3Metro]”
Explain us in a short text your situtation:
My situation is the following: I got banned on your server a long time ago, but I didn’t care much because I was going over to BF4 and there were still plenty of Metro servers left on BF3. Now, me and a friend want to play BF3 Metro again, but we are nearly not able due to lack of appropriate servers here in Germany.
I wrote an e-mail to you, “[email protected]” replied that he was unable to find the ban in the system.
Obviously, if you take a look at my stats you can see that I am not cheating.
Hope we can get this solved.